
To initialize a connection to a cloud and get a provider object, you will need to provide the cloud’s access credentials to CloudBridge. These may be provided in one of following ways:

  1. Environment variables
  2. A dictionary
  3. Configuration file

Providing access credentials through environment variables

The following environment variables must be set, depending on the provider in use.


Mandatory variables Optional Variables


Mandatory variables Optional Variables

Once the environment variables are set, you can create a connection as follows:

from import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.OPENSTACK, {})

Providing access credentials through a dictionary

You can initialize a simple config as follows. The key names are the same as the environment variables, in lower case. Note that the config dictionary will override environment values.

from import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

config = {'aws_access_key' : '<your_access_key>',
          'aws_secret_key' : '<your_secret_key>'}
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AWS, config)

Some optional configuration values can only be provided through the config dictionary. These are listed below for each provider.


Variable Description
default_result_limit Number of results that a .list() method should return. Defaults to 50.


Variable Description
aws_session_token Session key for your AWS account (if using temporary credentials).
ec2_is_secure True to use an SSL connection. Default is True.
ec2_region_name Default region name. Defaults to us-east-1.
ec2_region_endpoint Endpoint to use. Default is
ec2_port EC2 connection port. Does not need to be specified unless EC2 service is running on an alternative port.
ec2_conn_path Connection path. Defaults to /.
ec2_validate_certs Whether to use SSL certificate verification. Default is False.
s3_is_secure True to use an SSL connection. Default is True.
s3_host Host connection endpoint. Default is
s3_port Host connection port. Does not need to be specified unless S3 service is running on an alternative port.
s3_conn_path Connection path. Defaults to /.
s3_validate_certs Whether to use SSL certificate verification. Default is False.

Providing access credentials in a file

CloudBridge can also read credentials from a file on your local file system. The file should be placed in one of two locations: /etc/cloudbridge.ini or ~/.cloudbridge. Each set of credentials should be delineated with the provider ID (e.g., openstack, aws) with the necessary credentials being supplied in YAML format. Note that only one set of credentials per cloud provider type can be supplied (i.e., via this method, it is not possible to provide credentials for two different OpenStack clouds).

os_username: username
os_password: password
os_auth_url: auth url
os_user_domain_name: user domain name
os_project_domain_name: project domain name
os_project_name: project name

aws_access_key: access key
aws_secret_key: secret key

Other configuration variables

In addition to the provider specific configuration variables above, there are some general configuration environment variables that apply to CloudBridge as a whole