
To initialize a connection to a cloud and get a provider object, you will need to provide the cloud’s access credentials to CloudBridge. For more details on how to create and find these credentials, see the Procuring Access Credentials page. Note that you can selectively provide the credentials for any provider you want to use and do not have to provide credentials for all the providers. CloudBridge will consume the available credentials in one of following ways:

  1. Providing access credentials through a dictionary
  2. Providing access credentials through environment variables
  3. Providing access credentials in a CloudBridge config file

Providing access credentials through a dictionary

You can initialize a simple config as follows. The key names are the same as the environment variables, in lower case. Note that the config dictionary will override environment values.

from cloudbridge.factory import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

## For AWS
config = {'aws_access_key' : '<your_access_key>',
          'aws_secret_key' : '<your_secret_key>'}
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AWS, config)

## For Azure
config = {'azure_subscription_id': '<your_subscription_id>',
          'azure_client_id': '<your_client_id>',
          'azure_secret': '<your_secret>',
          'azure_tenant': '<your_tenant>',
          'azure_resource_group': '<your resource group>'}
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AZURE, config)

## For GCP
config = {'gcp_service_creds_file': '<service_creds_file_name>.json'}
# Alternatively, we can supply a dictionary with the credentials values
# as the following:
gcp_creds = {
    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "<project_name>",
    "private_key_id": "<private_key_id>",
    "private_key": "<private_key>",
    "client_email": "<client_email>",
    "client_id": "<client_id>",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_x509_cert_url": ""
config = {'gcp_service_creds_dict': gcp_creds}
# A third alternative is to use a GCP credentials object provided by the GCP python
# sdk. This is for advanced usage scenarios.
# e.g. credentials = AccessTokenCredentials(access_token, "MyAgent/1.0", None)
config = {'gcp_credentials_obj': credentials}
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.GCP, config)

## For OpenStack
config = {'os_username': '<your username>',
          'os_password': '<your password>',
          'os_auth_url': '<auth url>,
          'os_user_domain_name': '<user_domain_name>',
          'os_project_domain_id': '<project_domain_id>',
          'os_project_domain_name': '<project_domain_name>',
          'os_project_name': '<project_name>')
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.OPENSTACK, config)

Some optional configuration values can only be provided through the config dictionary. These are listed below for each provider.


Variable Description
default_result_limit Number of results that a .list() method should return. Default is 50.


Variable Description
aws_region_name Default region name. Default is us-east-1.
aws_zone_name Default zone name. If not specified, defaults to first zone in default region. If specified, must match default region.
aws_session_token Session key for your AWS account (if using temporary credentials).
ec2_endpoint_url Endpoint to use. Default is
ec2_is_secure True to use an SSL connection. Default is True.
ec2_validate_certs Whether to use SSL certificate verification. Default is False.
s3_endpoint_url Host connection endpoint. Default is
s3_is_secure True to use an SSL connection. Default is True.
s3_validate_certs Whether to use SSL certificate verification. Default is False.


Variable Description
azure_access_token To sign requests to APIs protected by Azure.
azure_public_key_storage_table_name Storage table name where the key pairs are stored. Default is cbcerts.
azure_region_name Default region to use for the current session. Default is eastus.
aws_zone_name Default zone name. If not specified, defaults to first zone in default region. If specified, must match default region.
azure_resource_group Azure resource group to use. Default is cloudbridge.
azure_storage_account Azure storage account to use. Note that this value must be unique across Azure and all data in a given session is stored within the supplied storage account. Default storacc + first 6 chars of subscription id + first 6 chars of the supplied resource group.
azure_vm_default_username System user name for which supplied key pair will be placed.


Variable Description
gcp_region_name Default region to use for the current session. Default is us-central1.
gcp_zone_name Default zone name. If not specified, defaults to first zone in default region. If specified, must match default region.
gcp_vm_default_username System user name for which supplied key pair will be placed.
gcp_credentials_obj Provided to support advanced usage scenarios where an alternative authentication mechanism is required for GCP. This object replaces GCP_SERVICE_CREDS_DICT and is directly passed to the underlying python sdk’s build method as'storage', 'v1', credentials=gcp_credentials_obj). You can pass in a manually constructed credentials object such as creds = AccessTokenCredentials(access_token, "MyAgent/1.0", None). Refer to the GCP python sdk for available options.


Providing access credentials through environment variables

The following environment variables must be set, depending on the provider in use. For the meaning of the variables and default values, see the descriptions above.


Variable Required?


Note that managing resources in Azure requires a Resource Group. If a Resource Group is not provided as part of the configuration, CloudBridge will attempt to create a Resource Group using the given credentials. This operation will happen with the client initialization, and requires a “contributor” or “owner” role.

Similarly, a Storage Account is required when managing some resources, such as key pairs and buckets. If a Storage Account name is not provided as part of the configuration, CloudBridge will attempt to create the Storage Account when initializing the relevant services. This operation similarly requires a “contributor” or “owner” role.

For more information on roles, see

Variable Required?


Variable Required?


Variable Required?

Once the environment variables are set, you can create a connection as follows, replacing ProviderList.AWS with the desired provider (AZURE, GCP, or OPENSTACK):

from cloudbridge.factory import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AWS, {})

Providing access credentials in a CloudBridge config file

CloudBridge can also read credentials from a file on your local file system. The file should be placed in one of two locations: /etc/cloudbridge.ini or ~/.cloudbridge. Each set of credentials should be delineated with the provider ID (e.g., openstack, aws, azure, gcp) with the necessary credentials being supplied in YAML format. Note that only one set of credentials per cloud provider type can be supplied (i.e., via this method, it is not possible to provide credentials for two different OpenStack clouds).

aws_access_key: access key
aws_secret_key: secret key

azure_subscription_id: subscription id
azure_tenant: tenant
azure_client_id: client id
azure_secret: secret
azure_resource_group: resource group

gcp_service_creds_file: absolute path to credentials file

os_username: username
os_password: password
os_auth_url: auth url
os_user_domain_name: user domain name
os_project_domain_id: project domain id
os_project_domain_name: project domain name
os_project_name: project name

Once the file is created, you can create a connection as follows, replacing ProviderList.AWS with the desired provider (AZURE, GCP, or OPENSTACK):

from cloudbridge.factory import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AWS, {})

General configuration variables

In addition to the provider specific configuration variables above, there are some general configuration environment variables that apply to CloudBridge as a whole.

Variable Description
CB_DEBUG Setting CB_DEBUG=True will cause detailed debug output to be printed for each provider (including HTTP traces).
CB_TEST_PROVIDER Set this value to a valid ProviderList value such as aws, to limit tests to that provider only.
CB_DEFAULT_SUBNET_LABEL Name to be used for a subnet that will be considered the ‘default’ by the library. This default will be used only in cases there is no subnet marked as the default by the provider.
CB_DEFAULT_NETWORK_LABEL Name to be used for a network that will be considered the ‘default’ by the library. This default will be used only in cases there is no network marked as the default by the provider.
CB_DEFAULT_IPV4RANGE The default IPv4 range when creating networks if one is not provided. This value is also used in tests.
CB_DEFAULT_SUBNET_IPV4RANGE The default subnet IPv4 range used by CloudBridge if one is not specified by the user. Tests do not respect this variable.